Monday, August 24, 2009

Do More Save More

Some Money Saving Tips

There are lots of ways to save money at the grocery store. The trick is... the more of them you can do - the lower your overall grocery bill will be!

1)Buy items when they are on sale.
2)Use coupons on sale items.
3)Get the Sunday paper so you can get all the good coupons.
4)To maximize your coupon savings, get a set of coupons for each consumer in your home.
5)Plan your weekly menu around sale items.
6)Avoid eating out.
7)Eat your leftovers.
8)Shop around various stores/markets for the best deals on meats, produce and other items.
9)Prepare your own meals/snacks and avoid pre-made, pre-packaged foods.
10)As much as you can, make your most common foods (like bread) from scratch
11)Prepare what you buy and eat from your pantry!

Not every idea is going to work for everyone, but the general idea is the more you can do, the more you will save.(from shopping smart in vegas)